The current website looks more like an ad website (ex. than a sublocation service. Therefore, users don’t know if the site is actually reliable. This kind of service is also very new.
The current website has a bad distribution of information. In addition, there is an excess of characters in all descriptive texts, which can prevent the user’s reading and interest.
There is no way for a new user to know that the service only offers subleases for monthly periods. Which can be very frustrating, because it’s common for rooms to be sub located by the hour.
There is an excess of filters in the search and the disposition of information about each thing is also very confusing. Currently, even the unavailable info is shown on the products page.
Currently, on the office details page, the users choose when they want to schedule a visit, and clicks a button to “schedule visit”. Still, they are taken to a page that mentions a transaction with valours… Although they probably just want to know the space first. The scheduling and reservation flows are merged.
“I need to book offices online in an ease way. Platforms with no hidden fees and a effective support, like Airbnb and Uber, are my favourites.”
“I don’t have a lot of free time, so I can’t deal with bureaucracies to rent my office, although it’s usually free in half period.”
“I can book offices for a minimum of 1 hours on other platforms and would not be interested in reserving for a monthly period, unless it worths.”
After validating some of the hypotheses during the research phase, I coordinate a small design thinking workshop with the product team and stakeholders. The main idea here is to establish a consensus about our users’ pain points and needs. So, together, we are able to develop strong solutions and insights for our first high-fidelity prototype.